In Latin, septem means "seven" and septimus means "seventh"; September was in fact the seventh month of the Roman calendar until 153 BC, when the first month changed from Kalendas Martius (1 March) to Kalendas Januarius (1 January).

Sip of the Day - July 7, 2008

Sip of the Day: Portrait Photos: Purposeful Planning

Titera's Tidbit: At Bay
An animal - or, metaphorically, a person or problem - "at bay" has been cornered or treed by hounds standing below bellowing. The baying hounds leave it to the hunter to do the dirty work. Thus something "at bay" always has the chance to escape, which gives the phrase the modern sense of something held back or restrained temporarily.

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Video of the Day: Pixar’s Presto (Rated: G)