In Latin, septem means "seven" and septimus means "seventh"; September was in fact the seventh month of the Roman calendar until 153 BC, when the first month changed from Kalendas Martius (1 March) to Kalendas Januarius (1 January).

Sip of the Day - October 22, 2009

Sip of the Day - Microsoft Windows 7 is Here!

Titera's Tidbit: Windows
The history of Windows dates back to September 1981, when the project named "Interface Manager" was started. It was announced in November 1983 (after the Apple Lisa, but before the Macintosh) under the name "Windows", but Windows 1.0 was not released until November 1985. October 22, 2009 marks the launch of Windows 7.

Which Windows 7 is Right for You?
Complete Guide to Microsoft Windows 7
Windows 7 is Amazon’s Biggest Pre-Order Ever
Watch the Launch of Microsoft Windows 7 at 8am PDT
Super Sip Software - Microsoft Windows 7

Kylie Loves Windows 7