In Latin, septem means "seven" and septimus means "seventh"; September was in fact the seventh month of the Roman calendar until 153 BC, when the first month changed from Kalendas Martius (1 March) to Kalendas Januarius (1 January).

Sip of the Day - May 24, 2010

Sip of the Day - Windows 7: Libraries - Different than Folders

Titera's Tidbit: Croissant
The "croissant" owes its origins to the Ottoman Turks who invaded Central Europe, bearing their flag with its image of the crescent moon. When they besieged Vienna in 1683, the Turks expected quick victory buy were instead defeated by a force of allies, including France. Viennese cooks celebrated with a new kind of puffed pastry that they called "croissant", the French word meaning "crescent".

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