In Latin, septem means "seven" and septimus means "seventh"; September was in fact the seventh month of the Roman calendar until 153 BC, when the first month changed from Kalendas Martius (1 March) to Kalendas Januarius (1 January).

Sip of the Day - October 6, 2008

Sip of the Day:
Photography - Telephoto Lenses

Titera's Tidbit: Spurge
A common plant in the medians of interstate highways throughout the American West, "spurge" is defined as any member of a numerous family of herbs, shrubs, and trees widely distributed around the world. What many of those plants have in common is a bitter, milky juice that causes livestock (and humans) to vomit: thus "spurge", from the Latin expurgare, "to purge".

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Video of the Day: F-14 Vapor Cloud Pass (Rated: G)